Monday, August 31, 2009

Adventure-ette Day

Late Sunday afternoon we decided to head to the shores of Lake Erie for a Mini Adventure Day outing to close out summer vacation. Not to say this ends the fun, for we ALWAYS have fun at the Carpenter house, right? We just wanted to squeeze a few more drops of fun out of summer before we start hittin' the books again. It was quite chilly though, so it certainly didn't feel like we were celebrating summer. Downtown Cleveland can be seen to the right of the family and if you pull out your magnifying glass you will see something sticking out of the water to the left of Steve. We think it might have been the Loch Ness Monster?!

Looking for Canada... maybe it's warmer over there.

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs some glimpses of the sun made for a beautiful sky. I could stare at the lake and those clouds forever, except I was too worried Miss Emily might be swimming before long. She's in constant motion, moving rather quickly. I need roller skates to keep up with her these days.

Next stop the playground at Lakewood Park!

"The Climber" in all her glory, making momma EXTREMELY nervous, daddy playing it cool all the while.

See, it was worth the climb!

Now that's what I call a tire swing!

Our Adventure Days always seem to end with ice cream...and there's NOTHING wrong with that! You feel like you're stepping into a story book when you sit in the Lakewood Malley's ice cream parlor.

What a little lady sitting so nicely and waiting patiently for her vanilla shake.

If messy = yummy, Mommy's Hot Fudge Sundae was the BEST!

Good to the last drop!

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