Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Through my somewhat new hobby of surfing blogs, I have found an incredible circle of women. You can follow the links to their blogs to the right of my posts. They are funny, honest, positive moms who have strong Christian values and share openly as they are learning and walking with God. I feel connections with these women for different reasons: our kids are similar in age, some of them homeschool, their sense of humor, they love Jesus and some of them also have a child in heaven with Joshua. They share God moments, insights and prayer requests. One of these ladies, Mckmama, is currently in the picu with her son Stellan, as he is very ill. This is one of her recent posts regarding God and prayer. It is beautiful and so well said. The power and love of God is simply incredible. To have a child who is fighting for his life, and still be able to share thoughts like this - that's God speaking through Mckmama. God wants us to be in prayer with him. He wants us to be in a relationship with him. He desires for us to be close to him. No, that's not why this is happening to Stellan. On this side of heaven, we won't understand why. But I have no doubt God's loving arms are wrapped around Stellan and his family right now and they are experiencing a peace that only He can provide. God Bless You, baby Stellan!

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